If you are sending your packet capture on for others to look at, make sure to remove everything that is not necessary.
mbp:tshark.dev rj$ tshark -r cut_short.pcap
1 0.000000 00:0e:58:54:10:68 → Broadcast 802.11 137 Data, SN=359, FN=0, Flags=.p....F.C
tshark: The file "cut_short.pcap" appears to have been cut short in the middle of a packet.
To fix this, you can use any wireshark tool to read and then write the packets. Using editcap is the shortest here and allows you to replace to the same file.
editcap cut_short.pcap cut_short.pcap
You can also make sure that the packet capture is correctly ordered with reordercap:
reordercap coolStory.pcap temp.pcap
mv temp.pcap coolStory.pcap
You should know what the relevant traffic is here. A couple example filters are provided below for various issues:
# If there is a dhcp problem
# The problem is between frames 100 and 200 (inclusive)
filter='frame.number >= 100 && frame.number <= 200'
# The problem is between seconds 5 and 7 after pcap start
filter='frame.time_relative >= 5 && frame.time_relative <= 7'
Once you’ve decided what filter you want to use, edit your pcap.
tshark -r coolStory.pcap -Y "$filter" -w coolStory.pcap
When linking to an online resource in an email, it is best to verify that it works before sending.
Use a service like dropbox or google drive to host your file(s). If the packet capture has sensitive information, edit it out as feasible.
You will also need to share the file with the target audience. If there are specific recipients in mind, you should specify their email addresses/access. For corporate infrastructure, this may be built in to only share with colleagues at the same company. Regardless, the least access is the best access.
If there are multiple files, you may want to create an archive of them. If your file is too large, you may want to compress it.
On unix systems, tar/gzip are used:
tar -cfz coolStory.pcap coolStory.tgz
On Windows systems, zip/7z are generally used instead.