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Installation is a gateway drug
4 min |  Ross Jacobs |  July 7, 2019

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Quicklinks: Wireshark: Installation Chapter

Install Wireshark with a Package Manager

Where available, prefer your package manager. Note that Wireshark v3 is not currently available on many Linux package managers (this will change soon).

System Install Command Latest Version
Linux $PkgManager install wireshark 2.6.8 and below
Macos brew install --cask wireshark 3.0.2
Windows choco install wireshark 3.0.2

Installing tshark Only

Note: If you have not used tshark before, you should install the wireshark package as above before limiting yourself to the CLI.

If you want to install just tshark and no Qt/GUI components, this is possible on various linux distributions. The package is called tshark or wireshark-cli depending on the platform.

Install the package tshark:

  • Alpine >= 3.9
  • Debian >= 9
  • FreeBSD >= 11
  • OpenMandriva >= 3.0
  • PCLinuxOS
  • Ubuntu >= 14.04

Install the package wireshark-cli.

  • Arch Linux
  • CentOS >= 8
  • Fedora >= 30
  • RedHat

For up-to-date package information, check the package registry for tshark and wireshark-cli

Install with a package

To get the most up-to-date official packages, visit Wireshark’s Download Page.

There are multiple packages available from Wireshark’s download page. The installation is simple, but make sure to check the components that.

Install from Source

Linux currently does not have packages in official repositories, so if you want the latest, you have to build it (this will likely change soon).

Linux, v3.0.0

You need to install from source to get v3 on Linux. This will get a clean system on Ubuntu 18.04 to an install:

wget -O /tmp/wireshark-3.0.0.tar.xz
tar -xvf /tmp/wireshark-3.0.0.tar.xz
cd /tmp/wireshark-3.0.0

sudo apt update && sudo apt dist-upgrade
sudo apt install cmake libglib2.0-dev libgcrypt20-dev flex yacc bison byacc \
  libpcap-dev qtbase5-dev libssh-dev libsystemd-dev qtmultimedia5-dev \
  libqt5svg5-dev qttools5-dev
cmake .
sudo make install

If you are on a different system, only the last 3 steps apply. Make sure that you’ve satisfied the other dependencies. cmake will kindly let you know if you haven’t.

Check Installation

1. Check Version

$ tshark --version
TShark (Wireshark) 3.0.2 (v3.0.2-0-g621ed351d5c9)
<output clipped ...>

If the version doesn’t match the expected one, you may want to install from source or use Wireshark’s download page.

2. Check Interfaces

tshark -D will list all interfaces that it sees.

dumpcap does not see and cannot capture on virtual interfaces. This means that dumpcap -D will show fewer interfaces than tshark -D.

Different systems will report different interfaces. tshark will treat the first interface as the default interface and capture from it by default. In other words, tshark aliases to tshark -i 1. You may need to use sudo depending on your installation. Default interfaces on installs of macos, windows, linux, and freebsd are shown below.

3. Test Live Capture

Entering the tshark command should immediately start capturing packets on the default interface. If you do not see packets, check out Choosing an Interface.

4. Make Sure Utilities are on $PATH

Setting up your environment should be done once and done well. There are a couple Additional work is usually necessary to make sure all utilities are on the path.


You can verify whether all are installed with the following:

# Loop through wireshark utils to find the ones that the system cannot
utils=(androiddump capinfos captype ciscodump dftest dumpcap editcap idl2wrs
  mergecap mmdbresolve randpkt randpktdump reordercap sshdump text2pcap tshark
  udpdump wireshark pcap-filter wireshark-filter)

for util in ${utils[*]}; do
  if [[ -z $(which $util) ]]; then
    echo $util

If a util is installed but not on your $PATH, you can use find / -name $util 2>/dev/null to find out where it may be. For example, on Linux for 3.0.0, extcap tools are at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/wireshark/extcap. To add them to your path, use echo 'export PATH=$PATH:$folder' >> ~/.profile.

Powershell on Windows

Currently, extcap utils need to be moved from Wireshark\extcap => Wireshark to be useable. If you have not added your %Program Files% to your $PATH, you can do that with an Admin user:

        "PATH", "$PATH;$ENV:ProgramFiles\Wireshark", "Machine")

You will need to reopen Powershell for the $PATH to be updated.